- Any phone seen for any reason during the school day will be confiscated and kept in a locked safe. It will be released to the pupil’s family by the headteacher on the last day of the half-term, or the next half-term if the period is less than two weeks. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
- Pupils who make use of mobile phones, or whose mobile phones disrupt learning during the school day, are likely to receive a serious sanction that may include suspension.
- We do not plan to check bags for mobile phones. However, the school will not take responsibility for any mobile phone or digital device lost during the school day, nor will we help pupils to look for or recover them.
- If there is an exceptional reason, such as safeguarding, why a child needs a phone, daily storage can be arranged by arrangement with the headteacher. Please email the headteacher if you need to make such an arrangement. However, these cases will be rare, as pupils may use student reception to make necessary phone calls.
- If pupils do choose to bring phones in, they must be at least 100m from the school before they switch their phones on.
These rules were adopted after parental consultation and have been clearly communicated with pupils and families. By sending your child into school, you are undertaking to abide by these rules.
We hope this will reduce stress and distraction for our pupils. We will be running workshops for families to help support you around your child’s mobile phone use, and also work with pupils to ensure they are well educated about the positives and negatives of mobile phones and social media.
Thank you for your support.