Our Curriculum Offer
Our curriculum vision
At Lister Community School we will provide a curriculum which:
- Creates world citizens of the future who are confident, think critically and empathetically, and have strong communication skills.
- Provides a world class education that is academically rigorous and ensures that students can pursue the subject or discipline that they choose after Lister.
- Inspires a love of learning so students always aim for excellence including opportunities to develop curiosity and creativity.
- Is personalised to meet the needs of individual students.
Our curriculum offer
At Lister Community School we are proud to offer an inclusive, engaging, challenging broad and balanced curriculum.
- KS3 (Years 7-9) is a three year pathway which we believe enables our students to experience new opportunities and provides a foundation for success at KS4 and life beyond school. At Lister Community School we are fortunate enough to have a theatre, a purpose built art studio, music studios, production equipment and outstanding spaces for PE. These facilities allow us to offer outstanding opportunities in music, drama, technology, PE and art – alongside our core academic curriculum offer. We believe that a three year KS3 is critical in providing a strong basis of cultural capital and language development to support our students in their school career and beyond. The broad curriculum fully meets the needs of the National Curriculum and students go through an option process towards the end of year 9 to have the opportunity to focus interest during years 10-11.
- KS4 (Years 10-11) is an inclusive and challenging two year pathway. We offer academic choices (GCSE) and more practical options. All students continue to study our core offer of English Literature, English Language, Maths, Science, RS, PE, PSHE and most students are expected to continue with their Modern Foreign Language. Our SEND students are fully involved in school life and are supported through our supportive curriculum. Our curriculum offers challenge through various opportunities such as the triple science GCSE, statistics and additional GCSE opportunities in languages.
Our curriculum model
Our carefully planned curriculum model provides an overview of what we teach at Lister Community School. Our detailed programme of learning across every subject is available on our Years 7-9 Curriculum Page and our Years 10-11 Curriculum Page.
The way we structure our curriculum is reviewed on an annual basis. The programme below is for the year 2024 – 2025.
Further information
Chris Morgan, Deputy Headteacher, oversees our curriculum. Chris can be contacted on chris.morgan@lister.ncltrust.net should you require any information not available on the website.