We are proud to be a fully inclusive school, committed to the following aims:
- All students will receive a broad and balanced curriculum, relevant to the needs of the individual. Access to the curriculum is therefore facilitated by whatever reasonable means necessary to ensure that students can achieve their full potential and enhance their self-esteem.
- Students with SEN are integrated into the life of the school and the curriculum, recognising the strengths of every individual as well as any areas of development, and ensuring inclusion in the social and cultural activities of the school.
Our inclusion provision and support
The majority of students with SEND will have their needs met by their mainstream classroom teachers, through high quality teaching which takes their needs into account, so that they can follow a mainstream curriculum working towards GCSEs and meet targets based on their prior data. Students who are on the SEND Register have a detailed ‘Provision Map Plan’ outlining their needs which recommends strategies that will support them in mainstream classes; all teachers and support staff who work with the student can access this to use it to support their planning.
We have a team of Learning Support Assistants, and a small number of Higher Level Teaching Assistants and SEND teachers who work with individuals and groups in a more personalised way to ensure they can access the curriculum.
More detailed information about our inclusion provision can be found in our SEND Information Report and Local Offer document which is available here.
Our Deaf Support Department
Our Student Support Centre (SSC)
To help KS3 students be successful in mainstream lessons, the Student Support Centre offers a 6 week placement of intensive academic and pastoral support in a smaller, nurturing setting. Students in the SSC have weekly mentoring sessions and daily activities to build confidence, resilience and emotional intelligence.
After mainstream form time, SSC students take part in a check-in meeting to start the day positively and to let staff know how they are feeling that day. Before lunch, SSC students focus on their core subjects and address barriers to learning they have faced in the mainstream. Students also keep up with non core subjects through supervised guided learning sessions. After lunch, students enjoy activities such as cooking, art therapy, sessions in the gym and reading for pleasure. Everyday finishes with a check-out meeting where SSC students and staff reflect on the best parts of their day and have the opportunity to give thank you shout-outs.
Our Alternative Provision (IAP)
To support our students who have additional needs and complex contexts we have an onsite internal alternative provision (IAP). We offer full time placements with intensive academic and pastoral support in a smaller, nurturing setting away from the mainstream school.
Students in our IAP study their core GCSEs and follow an enrichment program including cooking, art therapy, sessions in the gym and reading for pleasure. IAP students take part in a check-in meeting to start the day positively and to let staff know how they are feeling that day. Everyday finishes with a check-out meeting where IAP students and staff reflect on the best parts of their day and have the opportunity to give thank you shout-outs